It’s Monday, 10 days before Christmas, and I finally feel like I have a little chance to breathe after the madness of Christmas markets and extra busy days at the shop.

I’d love to spend the day lazing around in my pyjamas, and being amused by the neighbourhood cats, however, there are a number of things I have to do today, so here’s a little list:
Things I HAVE to do today:
- Wash fabric, let it dry, cut out and get started stitching up a bespoke satchel that is needed before Christmas
- Make some more wallets
- Make some more visual diaries
- Do the weekly sales report for the shop
- Get a massage (that one is locked in)
Things I really Want to do today:
- Go for a bike ride
- Make myself some shorts (I have none, and it’s starting to be so summery)
- Make myself a new dress for Christmas Day
- Catch up with friends for a drink (unlikely to happen, as the timing for my massage would mean two trips into Wellington)
I wonder how many from both lists I can fit into today…
What is your day looking like?
P.S. Fabric of the Week will be back in the New Year. I’ve been so busy making stuff for markets that I’ve been using too many different fabrics to mention.