After promising last week that Wednesday was the day that I was going to update my blog, I missed doing it this week. But I think I had reasonable excuse: I was in a mad panic trying to get ready for Craft2.0, which was yesterday at the Dowse in Lower Hutt.

Yesterday was fantastic! I had one of the most perfect spots imaginable, right by the door, and as was against the security grill, I was allowed to hang my bags on it to display them.
I was also very lucky to be sharing a table with the lovely Anmea of Little Ladies (her husband was briefly spelling her on the stall so she could take a break with her tiny baby when Ryan was taking pics). I adore Anmea’s work, and usually treat myself to one of her fine art tiles at each fair we’re both at. Yesterday was so busy though that I didn’t get a chance to choose a new one, even though I was right beside her! (I shall be rectifying that with an online purchase very soon).
Unfortunately I didn’t get much of a chance to get a look around at all, because the day really was incredibly busy from the time the doors opened for preview shopping for Friends of Craft2.0, right through until 3 pm when the fair closed (there were still people coming through the doors right up ’til the last minute). I did however get a chance to pick up a set of coasters from Freedom Creative – I would of missed out if I hadn’t put my name on them when Emma did her sneak peek blog post!
Everyone I spoke to yesterday had a fantastic time, and the blog posts, emails and tweets from both buyers and sellers all say it was the best yet. We are very lucky here in Wellington to have Sue and Tash putting together such a lovely event; I’m really looking forward to the next one already!