Oops, I didn’t get a chance to to a Wednesday Felt Showcase this week. Next week, I promise!
In the meantime, I’ve been shopping for some new fabrics for making notebook covers and tote bags. My stash is growing at an alarming rate, so I need to remember that holidays are over and start sewing again! I would post pictures of the new fabric, but the connection between the camera and laptop is playing up today. 🙁
Anyway, I promise I’ll have made something new by the end of this week. Promise!
Also, I’m itching to do a giveaway over on The Sewphist’s Facebook Fan page. I’ve been promising to do it as soon as I get to 100 fans, but those last three are eluding me! So, if you haven’t yet, mosey on over there and become a fan. There’s a link at the bottom of the page. Go on, you know you want to. It’ll put you in the draw for a reusable notebook cover (two to be given away!)
Notebook covers by the Sewphist – pale green floral
Notebook covers by The Sewphist in pastel shades
Notebook Covers by The Sewphist – black and yellow daisies
Notebook covers by the Sewphist – pale green floral
Notebook covers by The Sewphist in pastel shades
Notebook Covers by The Sewphist – black and yellow daisies
Hello! It’s been a wee while, I was busy in the lead up to Christmas, and then I went away on a lovely holiday for 2 weeks. I really enjoyed myself road-tripping around the South Island with the hubbie. We saw some amazing things, including rare hoiho/yellow-eyed penguins coming in to shore for the night across a petrified forest! It doesn’t get much more magical than that.
I’m back home now, and raring to go for the new year. I haven’t made anything new for the shops yet, but I have been checking out what’s available from other lovely sellers on Felt.co.nz. Somehow I haven’t got around to making dinner yet tonight, so this showcase is dedicated to food-inspired craft!
So, there’s this new thing happening on Felt each Wednesday, where members showcase some of their favourite items. It’s called “I <3 Felt”, and I’m playing for the first time this week. Being a bit of a collector of notions, I couldn’t help but fall in love with this rose made from zips by zippitydooda, and I’ve taken it from there, with a collection of florally goodness from felt!
Hopefully by next week I’ll have worked out how to make this look all pretty on my blog. If you want to see it in the lovely Felt Showcase Format, check out my Facebook Fan page.
Here’s an idea: why not get all your Christmas shopping out of the way by the end of the first week of December?
With two great Craft Markets coming up in Wellington this week, it’ll be easily done!
There’s going to be a special pre-Christmas Craft2.0 at the Dowse on the evening of Thursday, 3 December 2009. Come along and check out what all the best, lovely crafty people in Wellington have been up to.
Dec Craft2.0 at the Dowse
Then next Saturday, 5 December will be the kristmas knack market. The knack markets are a great fundraiser held at and supporting Berhampore school. If you haven’t gone along to the knack yet, you should. You’ll discover a wonderful community feel, many lovely crafters, great coffee, and the best darn paua fritters you’ve ever had!
kristmas knack flier
I’ll be at both, with special stocking stuffer specials on my Notebook Covers!
Greeting cards - buy 3, the 4th is on me!
Who do you need to send a card to this week - or this year?
Now's a great time to stock up - because when you add 4 cards to your card, you'll only pay for three. Planning on sending lots of cards - the savings are even bigger if you add the 4 packs to your card!
Tea towel pre-orders
Latest pre-orders are with the fabric printers, and are on schedule for delivery in early March.